From multiple repeats at AFF to multiple World Championships and World records, Maxine Tate shares her story with us on Episode Four of Highlight Conversations. 

What does living a bold brave life mean? Maxine tells all, from making the bold decision to leave an established career to become a full-time skydiver, to taking brave actions not to give up when faced with challenges learning new skydiving disciplines. 

With close to 20 years in the Sport, and over 10,000 jumps, a canopy coach, a demo jumper, and a 17-year competitor, Maxine has so much experience to share about how she continues to be fulfilled with her life in skydiving. Maxine discusses the ability to create opportunity through overcoming imposter syndrome and shares the path she is taking to become her best self. Tune in to hear her advice on embracing the learning process, and how to implement strategies that build confidence in and out of your comfort zone.

“Success comes from consistency. The consistency is showing up and doing the work”

Check out Episode Four here: